Monday, September 19, 2016

How to install and run eclipse Memory Analyzer MAT on windows 64 bit

1. Download the tool from
select Windows (x86_64) for windows 64 bit OS.
2. Unzip the folder and go to "MemoryAnalyzer-\mat" folder
3. Now download a 64 bit jdk for windows, which can be found at
4. Accept the license and choose exe of x64
Windows x64    193.68 MB      jdk-8u101-windows-x64.exe
5. Install the exe to any desired path, i have installed it under
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\bin
6. Now go back to "MemoryAnalyzer-\mat" folder and edit
MemoryAnalyzer.ini file
7. add a -vm at the bottom and place the path of newly installed jdk as shown below (ensure there are no spaces)
8. add a xmx argument as well to increase footprint on RAM, 12GB should suffice.

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\bin\javaw.exe

 9. save the ini file and open the MemoryAnalyzer.exe
10. Close out outlook, antivirus and all open folders to save memory. 
11. file - open heap dump - file type make it "all files", select the heapdump and click open.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Create a war file from html and deploy or host in weblogic

Create a folder let's say C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\robin
then create a text file, write something in it and save as r.html, save as type - all files.

Create another text file, add below contents in it and save as weblogic.xml, save as type - all files.
(ensure <local-path> matches your respective path)

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app SYSTEM "" PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 8.1//EN">











now open cmd and traverse to C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin
run setdomainenv to set the classpath, you will find yourself under base_domain now, then cd robin.

C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\robin>jar cvf r.war *
added manifest
adding: New Text Document.txt(in = 538) (out= 298)(deflated 44%)
adding: r.html(in = 5) (out= 7)(deflated -40%)
adding: weblogic.xml(in = 538) (out= 298)(deflated 44%)

check the contents as
C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\robin>jar tvf r.war
     0 Thu Sep 01 15:29:16 IST 2016 META-INF/
    68 Thu Sep 01 15:29:16 IST 2016 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
   538 Thu Sep 01 15:28:00 IST 2016 New Text Document.txt
     5 Thu Sep 01 14:45:58 IST 2016 r.html
   538 Thu Sep 01 15:28:20 IST 2016 weblogic.xml

Deploy this war file on JVM running on port 7001 and access as below


Thursday, August 18, 2016

How to impress girl during first meet - arranged marriage

1. Arrive in a sedan or SUV
2. Wear a good watch.
3. Smell good.
4. Carry an expensive looking phone.
5. Cut nails and keep finger nails clean.
6. Wear clean shoes & formal clothes. No sandal or flipflops. 
7. Allow her to talk and do not interrupt her with your own stories.
8. Do not boast.
9. Do not put your hands in your pocket while talking.
10. Buy her a cheap gift.
11. Ask her a small favor or opinion (such her views on a current affairs).
12. Try to imitate her body language while talking.
13. Give subtle hinds on what she stands to lose if she doesn't choose you.
14. It is good if she is around 3 years younger to you.
15. Do not talk about Dowry.
16. Ask her clever questions such as how has she prepared herself for wedding and post marriage life.