Wednesday, May 30, 2012

ANT script to deploy application

Create a file called Build.xml and below are its contents:
<project name="Test Deployment" default="deploy">
<taskdef name="wldeploy" classname="">
<pathelement location="D:/work/wls/wls9.2.4/weblogic92/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
<target name="deploy">
        action="deploy" verbose="true" debug="true" upload="true" remote="true" stage="true" library="true"
        name="conference.shared.lib" source="C:\test\test.war"
        user="weblogic" password="weblogic"
        adminurl="t3://localhost:7001" targets="examplesServer" />
# change the appropriate values to reflect your environment.

Start the weblogic server.
Run the from the domain folder and then traverse to the file containing build.xml
and type $ ant
This will deploy the file.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am not able to deploy to weblogic,can you help me,below is my ant script.

Starting EAR Deploy.

Ending EAR Deploy.

and below is the logs