Thursday, January 31, 2013

jdk1.6.0_37/bin/java: not found

Description : after installing wls 10.3.6 64 bit and jdk 1.6u37 64 bit sparc we are not able to start weblogic
Error message : jdk1.6.0_37/bin/java: not found

Solution : download the 64 bit jdk as well as 32 bit jdk from

Place them on winSCP and upload using binary mode.

Provide chmod 777 *.sh to both the files.

-rwxrwxrwx   1 slcruser other    12721088 Jan 31 00:16
-rwxrwxrwx   1 slcruser other    76926483 Jan 31 00:17

install the 32 bit version first ( and later the 64 bit version ( on the same path as 32 bit version and provide this new path of jdk in

refer my earlier blog
on how to update with the new jdk path.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

GSSException No valid credentials provided Mechanism level Failed to find any Kerberos Ticket Key

Error message :
Caused By: GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos Key)

This may occur if no valid Kerberos credentials are obtained. In particular, this occurs if you want the underlying mechanism to obtain credentials but you forgot to indicate this by setting the system property value to false (for example via in your execution command).

Be sure to set the system property value to false if you want the underlying mechanism to obtain credentials, rather than your application or a wrapper program (such as the Login utility used by some of the tutorials) performing authentication using JAAS.

Stop the admin server
Modify the file located in DOMAIN_HOME/bin
add the flag in java_options
save and start your admin server

below is a typical example assuming your weblogic is on linux box

Modify the file located in DOMAIN_HOME/bin

Locate the following line:
# Start WebLogic

Below this line, add the following, replacing the correct path to krb5Login.conf:

Save the file. Start the Administration Server

For Windows
Modify the startWebLogic.cmd file located in DOMAIN_HOME\bin (default is c:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin\startWebLogic.cmd)

Locate the following line:

Below this line, add the following:

set JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS%\krb5Login.conf – –

Ref :

Friday, January 4, 2013

webserver ip address is being recorded instead of client ip address after enabling WebLogic Plug-In Enabled option in console

webserver ip address is being recorded instead of client ip address after enabling WebLogic Plug-In Enabled option in console (<weblogic-plugin-enabled>true</weblogic-plugin-enabled>)

1. Checked the plugin version by hitting the url
http://<host>:<port>/?__WebLogicBridgeConfig  (console ip and port)
found it to be 1.1

WebLogic Server Plugin version 1.1,

Ref : Doc id 1285304.1

2. Made sure that the customer has enabled WebLogic Plug-In Enabled option at the below places

Environment >>> clusters >>  CLUSTER NAME > configuration -> general tab -> WebLogic Plug-In  Enabled (checked)
Environment >>> SERVER >> SERVER NAME > General -> Advanced -> WebLogic Plug-In Enabled (checked)
Domain_Name >>> Configuration Tab > Web Applications Tab  -> WebLogic Plug-In Enabled (checked)

3. Enabled debugs in webserver config file
Debug ALL
DebugConfigInfo ON

Ref : Doc ID 780007.1

Later realized that customer has installed  Microsoft TMG server in the same machine as that of webserver which is masking the client ip.