Friday, January 4, 2013

webserver ip address is being recorded instead of client ip address after enabling WebLogic Plug-In Enabled option in console

webserver ip address is being recorded instead of client ip address after enabling WebLogic Plug-In Enabled option in console (<weblogic-plugin-enabled>true</weblogic-plugin-enabled>)

1. Checked the plugin version by hitting the url
http://<host>:<port>/?__WebLogicBridgeConfig  (console ip and port)
found it to be 1.1

WebLogic Server Plugin version 1.1,

Ref : Doc id 1285304.1

2. Made sure that the customer has enabled WebLogic Plug-In Enabled option at the below places

Environment >>> clusters >>  CLUSTER NAME > configuration -> general tab -> WebLogic Plug-In  Enabled (checked)
Environment >>> SERVER >> SERVER NAME > General -> Advanced -> WebLogic Plug-In Enabled (checked)
Domain_Name >>> Configuration Tab > Web Applications Tab  -> WebLogic Plug-In Enabled (checked)

3. Enabled debugs in webserver config file
Debug ALL
DebugConfigInfo ON

Ref : Doc ID 780007.1

Later realized that customer has installed  Microsoft TMG server in the same machine as that of webserver which is masking the client ip.

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