Wednesday, May 9, 2012

reset / change weblogic username password

To change the admin password in a weblogic environment, please follow the below steps:

STEP 1 :  Firstly, Stop the server if running and make sure that weblogic.jar is in the classpath. (this could be checked by running setDomainEnv and env in linux or set in windows)

STEP 2 : Open a command prompt and navigate to your Domain directory’s bin folder and run “ “
After you run setdomain the prompt should go back to domain folder from bin folder.
if it doesn't happen run the command as . ./ (in words- dot space dot slash).
Run echo $CLASSPATH to check if weblogic.jar is set.
Run Echo %CLASSPATH% for windows.

STEP 3 : Now run the following command :

“Java NewAdminUser NewAdminPassword . “

where ” NewAdminUser ” and ” NewAdminPassword ” are the new user and password you would like to create.

Note : The “ . “ (period) at the end of the command is very important..!! as it tells the command that this should be run in the domain directory.

STEP 4 : The above command creates a file “ DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift “ in the domain directory.

STEP 5 :  Now copy the newly created “DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift “ to “*\bea10.3\user_projects\domains\change_password\security “ (where change_password is your affected domain)

Note : You can take a backup or delete  “DefaultAuthenticatorInit.ldift “ which is already present in the security folder

STEP 6 :  Now edit the file ( located in “ *\bea10.3\user_projects\domains\change_password\servers\AdminServer\security “ & “ *\bea10.3\user_projects\domains\change_password\servers\managedserver\security “ ) with the new user name and password that we created ( i.e NewAdminUser  and NewAdminPassword )

Delete the file “ DefaultAuthenticatormyrealmInit.initialized “ located in “C:\bea10.3\user_projects\domains\change_password\servers\AdminServer\data\ldap “

Now start the server and login with the NewAdminUser  and NewAdminPassword.

To reset the admin password in a weblogic environment, please follow the below steps:

STEP 7 : After logging into the console with the NewAdminUser  and NewAdminPassword. go to security realms - myrealm (or your respective realm) - users and groups - click on your original user - passwords - change password - save - activate changes.

STEP 8 :  Edit the file ( located in “ *\bea10.3\user_projects\domains\change_password\servers\AdminServer\security “ & “ *\bea10.3\user_projects\domains\change_password\servers\managedserver\security “ ) with the original user and password that we just reset.

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